Brief History of the Department

Economics and Development Studies is one of the pioneer programmes in the University. It started as a programme in the Department of Social Science in the then Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Other programmes in the Department of Social Science were Accounting and Finance, Political Science and Sociology and Anthropology. The Department was headed by Dr. Evans Eze. In December, 2014, Faculty of Management Sciences was created and the Accounting and Finance programme was transferred from the Department of Social Science in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences to the Faculty of Management Sciences.

However, in February, 2016, each of the remaining three programmes in the Department of Social Science became full-fledged Department and the Department of Social Science then seized to exist. With this development, Dr. Abiodun E. Adelegan was appointed the pioneer Ag. Head of Department of Economics and Development Studies. He held this position till October (2016) when Dr. (now Prof.) Francis A. Oluleye was appointed to take over from him. Dr. Oluleye held this position till July, 2020 when Dr, Anthony Abraham took over from him. The incumbent Ag. Head of the Department, Dr. Victor Oriavwote took over from Dr. Abraham in September, 2021.

The Department has grown significantly numerically from a population of thirteen (13) students at inception in 2012/2013 academic session to over four hundred (400) students in the current session, 2020/2021. The academic staff strength has also grown from four (4) full time staff to nineteen (19) full time academic staff. The Department has, over the years, recorded some significant achievements including the institution of a Departmental journal, Ye-Numu Journal of Economic and Development Issues (YJEDI). As part of the Department’s contribution to postgraduate education in the University, nation and globe, the Department runs Postgraduate Diploma in Economics, Master of Science degree in Economics, Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) degree in Economics and Doctor of Philosophy degree in Economics.

Staff list in the Department

S/NoNameAppointmentArea of Specialization
1Prof. Victor E. OriavwoteTenureMonetary and Quantitative Economics
2.Prof. F.A. OluleyeTenureEconomic Theory   and Development   Economics
3.Prof. A.E. AdeleganTenureMonetary Economics
4.Dr Abraham AnthonyTenureMonetary Economics
5.Dr P.O.J. YousuoTenureQuantitative/Development Economics.
6.Mr. Azebi O.ITenureDevelopment Economics, International Economics and Health Economics
7.Dr. A. J. EsianTenureMonetary Economics, Energy Economics, Economic Theory, Quantitative Methods
8.Dr H.O. EromoseleTenureDevelopment Economics and International Economics
9.Mr Zachaeus KunemoemiTenurePetroluem and Energy Economics
10Mrs. Nyaluaziba S. ItesiTenureEnvironmental  Economics and Resource Economics
11.Dr. Alex Owudumapu KoginamTenure Quantitative Economics
12.Ms O.E. BakerTenureMonetary/Labour Economics
13.Mr. J.I. OkparaTenureDevelopment Economics, Political & Quantitative Economics
14.Mr. C.B. NestorTenureMonetary Economics / Economic Theory
15.Mr. J. AtamenwanTenureQuantitative / Monetary Economics
16.Dr.  Bright k.AborhTenureEconomic Theory Development Economics and International Economics.
17.Dr. Sese .B.DTenureMonetary and Development Economics
18Mr Mathew TariTenureEconomic Theory
19.Mr. Obgu ChibuezeTenureEconomic Theory

Mr. Emmanuel Kieriseiye

TenureEconomic Theory
21Mr. Adu Melford JonathanTenureDevelopment Economics
22Mr. Tamuno CorneliousTenureDevelopment Economics

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