Dr. Coker P. Robert
I am COKER Preye Robert a native of Agbere Town in Sagbama Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, Nigeria. I hold a B.Sc. Degree (UYO) in Marketing (2002), an MBA Degree (RSUST) in Banking and Finance (2009), a M.Sc. Degree (UPH) in Marketing (2016) and a PhD Degree (NDU) in Marketing (2023).
I have over six (6) years of work experience in private sector and now have over three years of teaching experience in academia, demonstrating success in lecturing at higher education institutions. I am currently employed as a Lecturer II in the Department of Marketing at Federal University Otuoke. I am agile and responsive to dynamic students’ needs and workplace conditions. In addition, I work closely with co-lecturers and non-academics, maintaining a high level of professionalism, while also establishing positive relationships with students and colleagues.
My research interests are consumer behaviour, digital marketing and Entrepreneurship.