Brief Profile
Eneni holds a BSc, MSc. and PhD in Plant Science and Biotechnology from the University of Port Harcourt. Trained as a Plant Taxonomist and Biotechnologist she has worked on plant and environmental health, impacts of pollution on plant health, and biodiversity, food security, impacts of plants on human health.
She received a Centre for International Cooperation in Science – Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (CICS – JNCASR) fellowship in Plant Biotechnology that paved way for a research fellowship in the Biotechnology Division, CSIR- Institute for Himalayan Bioresources Technology, Palampur Himachal Pradesh, India.
She teaches General Biology, Biological Techniques, Genetics and Botany-allied courses in the Department of Biology. She builds and nurtures positive and collaborative relationship with people at all levels while contributing to the growth of the department, faculty and university.
Eneni as a botanist generally researches in Plant Biology; she is interested in obtaining insights into the interactions between plants and their environment especially plants in the Niger Delta. Currently, her research activities is an interdisciplinary portfolio of projects, focusing on plant diversity, food security, eco-toxicology, molecular biology of plants to address challenges in agriculture and the environment, effects of climate change on biodiversity, address biodiversity loss; and she is interested in revitalizing indigenous and traditional knowledge of plants. Additionally, she applies biotechnological methods and approaches to evaluate and select superior and climate resilient Niger Delta native plants for increased breeding efficiency and tries to gain deeper understanding how biodiversity is affected by society and climate change.
Outside academia she enjoys baking, events decoration and management, advocacy for gender education and women in STEM.
Plant Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Conservation, Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Molecular Biology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Environmental Impact Assessment, Waste Management