Dr. Ernest T. Aniche


Ernest Toochi Aniche, PhD is a Senior Lecturer and the Acting Head, Department of Political Science, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. He earned BSc, MSc and PhD degrees of the Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria with bias in International Relations. He belongs to various professional associations. Dr Aniche is a prolific scholar with over eighty publications including articles in impact factor journals indexed/abstracted in Thompson Reuters (Web of Science), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus, Scimago and Google Scholar such as Review of African Political Economy, Politikon, African Studies, Local Environment, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Journal of Health Planning and Management, Security Journal, Journal of Public Affairs, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, African Studies Review, African Security Review, Africa Review, Cogent Social Sciences, Chinese Political Science Review, Insight on Africa, among others. 

He has also published co-edited books, and authored and co-authored book chapters published by reputable publishers like Routledge (Taylor & Francis), Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature), Rowman & Littlefield International, and Oxford University Press. He is on the editorial board of journals and publishers particularly Springer Nature (SN) Social Sciences and Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

He has presented papers in local and international conferences in United States of America, Canada, Germany, Finland, South Africa, and Ghana. Dr Aniche is a postgraduate external examiner at University of Pretoria and University of Zululand both in South Africa. He is a recipient of several travel grants from UNESCO-EU and Jean Monnet-ERASMUS. The highlight of his career was co-editing two books in 2020 and 2021 with the African scholar legend, Professor Toyin Falola.

RESEARCH INTEREST: African Regionalism, Comparative Regionalism, Migration and Border Studies, Conflict and Peace Studies, Security Studies, International Political Economy, International Environmental Politics, and Oil and Energy Politics.


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