Dr. Queensoap Memory

I am an Educational Measurement and Evaluation Expert (Psychometrician). I hold a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.) in Educational Measurement and Evaluation in University of Port Harcourt, Choba River State of Nigeria 2014. My Professional Lecturing career started with Bayelsa State College of Health Technology, Otuogidi, Ogbia Town in 2005. I progressed to the rank of Chief Lecture and was appointed as the Deputy provost (Administration) in January, 2017. Since then, I was in that capacity until my transfer to the Federal University Otuoke in June 2021. Currently, I am the Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Education. I have made Publication in High impact International Journal such as Journal of Education and Practice, Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health care, Journal of Education and Literature as well as in some national journals such as Journal of Nigerian Association of Teachers of Technology and Nigerian Journal of Health and Allied Research. I am a member of some Learned Society such as Association of Educational Researchers & Evaluators of Nigeria (ASSEREN), Educational Assessment and Research Network in Africa.


Educational Research, Testing, Program Evaluation and Measurement


[email protected]

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