Prof. Hyacinth .I. Dike
Prof. Dike holds a B.Sc., Zoology (UNN, 1972), PGDE (ABU., Zaria, 1976), M.A. Instructional Design and Technology (Michigan State University, 1979), Ph.D. Educational Technology (Michigan State University, 1981) and M.A. Communication (Michigan State University, 1982),

As an Instructional Designer in the Department of Science Education, Federal University Otuoke, (FUO) Bayelsa State, Nigeria, Prof. Dike blames Africa’s underdevelopment in the midst of abundant natural and mineral resources to her irrelevant curricula and advocates refurbished (relevant) curricula through gleaning entrepreneurial ideas that have had wide application in industries. This has been the basis of his “Contextualize, Challenge, Engagement and Relevance” (CCER) model of Instructional Design applied for capacity enhancement training of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in course development and module development for online learning.

Prof. Dike is a strong advocate of the application of systems principles during the development of instructional prototype that rests on the pillars of Needs Analysis, Formative and Summative Evaluation.

Prof. Dike served as the pioneer Director of Open, Distance and e-Learning Center (ODeL) at the University of Port Harcourt a position that enable him interface with African Virtual University (AVU) in both installation of facilities and module development.

He is a Fellow of Educational Media Technology Association of Nigeria (EMTAN) and Chartered Institute of Human Capital Development of Nigeria (CIHCDN) and supervised over 60 M.Ed. and Ph.D. graduates in Educational Technology.

His research interests and writings embrace curriculum improvement and Supervision, ICT integration in content development and delivery and Program/product evaluation. Currently he challenges his undergraduate students in FUO to apply Instructional Design principles to improvise audiovisuals as Open Educational Resources.

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