The Library plays a central role in the educational programme of the university as an instrument for study, teaching and research. Particularly, the Federal University Otuoke Library is poised to stimulate intellectual curiosity and promote habits of reading, learning and private study. It is therefore pertinent that every student and researcher seek to be acquainted with the collection and services of the Federal University Otuoke Library being introduced through this guide. For students to study and become successful learners in any problem solving environment, it is critical that they acquire high level of skills and abilities to recognize the need for information; distinguish ways in which information gaps can be addressed; construct strategies to locate and retrieve information from the print and electronic resources available in the university library; locate and access the information; compare and evaluate information found; and demonstrate an ability to apply information accessed to appropriate problem solving situations. The Federal University Otuoke Library is an integrated system of a network of the Central Library comprising three reading halls, a Scholars Research Den, the Bruce Powell e-Library and the Faculty Libraries. Within the Bruce Powell e-Library is a unique innovation of the Information Literacy laboratory which offers a platform for multi-disciplinary and collaborative multimedia e-learning. The University Library also hosts elaborate resources in conservation and preservation facilities which repair, bind and reproduce needed information materials. Library users are expected to present themselves in acceptable descent dressing and good conduct.
We are poised to serve you!
Library Automation And E-library Services Unit
Responsible for ongoing library automation and training for staff and students. Oversees contract compliance, reviews vendor bills, and recommends new hardware/software upgrades.
Library System Development And Planning Unit
Oversees Staff Development and Training, Budgeting, and Financing, TETFUND Implementation, Resources Management, Collation of Unit Reports and Internally Generated Revenue from the library.
Library Documentation/preservation & Repository Unit
Responsible for FUO Faculty Research Documentation, Students Project Documentation, Institutional Repository Maintenance, Back-up Storage and Preservation
Library Resources Digitization & Bindery Unit
Ensures Digitization of Library Resources, Reprography and Binding of Students Projects
Library Collection Development Unit: Responsible for Collection Assessment by Programmes, Acquisitions (Books, Journals, newspapers, Government Documents, FUO Documents etc., Collation of Book Titles from Faculties and Maintenance of Accessions Register.
Resources Cataloguing & Classification Unit
This unit oversees Systematic organization of Library Resources for easy retrieval, Bibliographic description of Resources, Subject Analysis and Classification of Books, Creation of Metadata and Production of Shelf List. Book End Processing Unit: Responsible for the Attachment of Book Cards, Pocket and Labels, Shelving of New Books, and Weeding of Damaged Books.
OPAC & LAN Maintenance Unit
Takes charge of the implementation and maintenance of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Guidance of Library Users on information retrieval using OPAC, Linking Faculties Libraries with OPAC in the Central Library and Ensuring LAN in FUO Libraries.
Library Circulation Services Unit
Responsible for User Registration Procedures, Lending Services Procedures, Daily Shelving and Shelf Reading of Used Books, Statistics of Book usage, User Education, Orientation and Information Literacy Training.
Readers Reference Services Unit
Maintenance of Library Reference Books, Custody of FUO theses and Students Projects, University & Government Publications, Nigeriana & Africana, Abstracting of Research Projects, Theses and Dissertations, Current awareness services to Faculty
Library Serials Maintenance Unit
Maintenance of Periodicals (Journals, Magazines and Newspapers), Indexing of Academic Journals, Preparation of Vertical Files and Newspaper Clipping
Faculty Library Services Unit
Maintenance of Usage statistics for Faculty Libraries, Guidance of Students on use of Library Resources and Facilitating Faculty-Library Relations.