1AKABA OGHENEMARO CHRISTOPHERFUO/16/ACT/3349TAX MORALE ON TAX PAYERS COMPLAINCE IN BAYELSA STATE.Dr. John Chika OwuchekwaTax morale and its effect on taxpayers’ compliance to the tax policies of the Bayelsa government was investigated. The aim of this research is to bring to bare the reason for low tax compliance in Bayelsa state. Primary data via structured questionnaire was used. The data was analyzed through chi-square test. The result showed that political view and patriotism have significant effect on tax compliance. On the other hand, Religion and Tax Knowledge has no significant effect on tax compliance in Bayelsa state. We also established a significant positive effect on tax compliance. The Government should also help in ensuring that their subjects obey the law of the land by way of tax compliance. Tax payer’s monies should be used for the right purpose which will encourage the tax payer in paying taxes at when due. The researcher therefore encourages that, tax payers should be educated to know their duty as far as tax is concerned. The upcoming generation should also be educated on how to pay tax accurately if the future of tax obedience is anything to go by. 
2OLULEYE, OPEYEMI OLAMIDEFUO/16/ACT/3456INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS ADOPTION AND CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITYDr. Ifeanyi MadumereFirms affect their environments negatively through several ways, therefore there is call for organizations to be more responsible and also to be more sustainable to their shareholders. Corporate sustainability is still relatively new in Nigeria; therefore, firms need to understand what it means and also enforce it. IFRS adoption is happening rapidly round the world to cause accounting reporting quality improvement, firms should report qualitative, financial and non-financial data relating to actions for social concerns. This study examined International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) adoption and corporate sustainability. A total of eleven (11) manufacturing firms in Lagos State were used and the sample size is three (3) employees per firm.  Primary data were used and three hypotheses were formulated. Data measuring the level of IFRS adoption and corporate social interactions, corporate sustainability and environmental sustainability were gathered from the selected organization, a descriptive research design was used.  Correlation Analysis was run to test the hypotheses. In testing H02, seeing the significant value (0.000) is less than 0.05, the result showed that there is a significant relationship between IFRS adoption and company’s corporate sustainability which led to the rejection of H02. This study established that IFRS adoption has greatly and reasonably influenced the corporate social interaction, corporate sustainability and environmental sustainability of the selected consumer goods manufacturing firms. The study therefore recommends that; firms must address skills and competence gaps through a series of training and seminars, as well as guarantee that these standards are taught in academic and professional curriculum 
3YINUSA, KEHINDE IBRAHIMFUO/16/ACT/3492ACCOUNTING ALCHEMY AND PERFORMANCE OF DEPOSIT MONEY BANKS IN NIGERIADR. JOHN CHIKA ONWUCHEKWAThe study examines accounting alchemy and performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study uses an ex-post facto research design. A sample of 13 deposit money banks were selected using Judgmental sampling techniques based on assets of the banks within the periods of 2005 to 2019 was used for the study. Secondary data was used in this study, collected from the sampled deposit money banks’ annual reports of relevant years listed in the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The panel and quantile regressions were used in the estimation. From our evaluation of the results, the estimations reveal that loan loss provision (LLP) has a negative effect on return on asset (ROA) though not significant at 5% (-0.0023, p=0.2264) bank age (BK-AGE) has a positive coefficient (0.00061) though not significant (p=0.1311) at 5%. Bank size (BK-SIZE) show evidence of a negative coefficient of -0.0057 indicating a negative effect on return on asset (ROA) which though is not significant (p=0.1532) at 5%. 
4IHEDINMA EZE EMMANUELFUO/16/ACT/3437ACCOUNTING SYSTEM IN PUBLIC SECTORDr. Onwuchekwa John ChikaThis research was aimed at finding out the accounting system in used by public sectors taken case study from Niger Delta University. The purpose was to find out if the control of public fund adopted by the university is appropriate, to determine whether the public sector accounting principle applied by the university is appropriate and effective and also toinvestigate whether the source of revenue to the university is enough for them. A survey research was conducted and the population size used was the staff and members of university out of which the sample size was selected using the random sampling techniques. Data for this study were primarily sourced. Chi-square was used to analyze the responses gotten from the distributed questionnaires. The findings made in this study are; the accounting system used by the university is inappropriate and ineffective and the control of public fund measures adopted is also inappropriate etc, based on the findings, it was concluded that the public sector accounting principles applied by the university is inappropriate and also the control of public fund measures adopted was inappropriate. Recommendations were also made based on the findings which are, an account committee should be set up to control the accounting system of the said university and monitor their day to day activities etc. 
5ASUQUO TESSY OSATOFUO/16/ACT/3362THE EFFECT OF TAXATION ON THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF NIGERIAPROF. S.M. IFURUEZEThe study examined the effect of taxation on the economic growth of Nigeria.  Secondary data was used in this study; secondary data for twenty-four years (1995-2019) were collected from various issues of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and annual reports. Independent variable was measured with Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT); Company Income Tax (CIT) and Custom and Excise Duties (CED) while the dependent variable was Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Analysis was performed on data collected using Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Regression and other post estimations (Jarque-Bera test; Breusch-Godfrey LM and Ramsey Reset Test) to determine the existence of relationship between the variables. The results of the study showed that PPT had a significant relationship on GDP (p<0.0443), while CIT has significant relationship on GDP  (P<0.0998). However, custom and excise duty had no significant effect on GDP. Given the diminishing income from petroleum related sources, the public authority ought to leave on the essential quest for widening the economy to improve economic growth and advancement. Government agencies ought to adequately devise methods for the assortment of organization personal expense as it adds to financial development as revealed in the discoveries. Government should try to guarantee opportune installment of custom and extract obligations as it likewise contributed decidedly to monetary development as detailed in the discoveries of the examination. Government agencies should effectively devise procedures for the collection of company tax as it contributes to economic growth as reported in the findings. 

The study examined the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Performance of 12 Quoted Manufacturing Firms on the Nigerian Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2019. Charitable Contribution (CC) and Community Development Programmes (CDP) were Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) proxies while Profit after Tax (PAT) and Return on Equity (ROE) were the proxies of Performance. The research adopted Ex-post facto research design for the study. The study made use of secondary data obtained from the financial statements of the firms under review. The relevant secondary data were analyzed using Panel Generalized Least Square (GLS). The findings revealed that Charitable Contribution has a positive significant effect on Profit after Tax and Return on Equity while Community Development Programmes showed a negative in-significant effect on Profit after Tax and Return on Equity. The study recommends among other things that manufacturing organizations should always make provisions for social development of the society in order to boost their image/reputation, thereby increasing their returns.



The study will examine cost analysis and performance of manufacturing firms in Nigeria within the context of 30 manufacturing firms listed in the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE), covering a period of four years (2016 – 2019).The specific objective of the study is to determine whether direct material cost, direct labor cost factory overhead cost, administrative overhead cost and selling overhead cost has any relationship with financial performance using operating profit as a measure of financial performance while the research hypotheses is to examine if there is any significant effect between direct material cost, direct labor cost, factory overhead cost, administrative overhead cost and selling overhead cost and profitability, using operating profit to measure profitability. Ex-post factor is used as research design, while the population and sampling techniques of the study is for manufacturing companies in Nigeria who are quoted in Nigeria stock exchange and the sample is 30 manufacturing firms listed in the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE), covering a period of four years (2016 – 2019). Secondary source is used as data collection from the annual reports and account of the companies. The study will use generalized descriptive, linear regression and correlation as a tool for data analysis.  Discussion of findings of the study indicate that direct material cost has a positive relationship with Operating profit which is statistically significant at 5% level of significance. Direct labour cost has a negative relationship with operating profit which is statistically significant at 5% level of significance, while there is a positive relationship between factory overhead cost and operating profit, administrative overhead cost has a positive relationship between operating profit, which is statistically significant at 5% level of significance with a p-value of 0.016. Finally, there is a positive relationship between selling overhead cost and operating profit and it is significant at 5% level of significance. The study recommends management of manufacturing companies should look into their strategy regarding operating costs such as (Direct material cost, Direct labour cost, Factory overhead cost, administrative overhead cost and selling overhead cost) and employ some cost management strategies in order reduce cost and increase profitability.


8ERUEMU OMOSIGHO UGOCHUKWUFUO/16/ACT/3388ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING DISCLOSURE AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF QUOTED OIL AND GAS FIRMS IN NIGERIA.MR ROBERT .B. JACOBThis research work therefore seeks to investigate environmental accounting and financial performance of indigenous oil and gas companies in Nigeria. The study employed profit after tax (PAT) and earnings per share (EPS) as measures for corporate financial performance and then utilized two indicators of environmental accounting namely; waste management cost (WMGT) and environmental disclosures (ENVCD). The ex-post facto research design employed a sample of 11 listed oil and gas firms used for the study. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and then panel regression analysis was used in the study.  The findings of the study provide unique and important research findings in this regard. The results reveal that WMGT has a negative (-3.0389) effect on PAT and significant (p=0.0039) at 5%. In addition and positive (2.53e-08) effect on EPS but not significant (p=0.3513) at 1% and 5%. The regression results examining the impact of environmental cost disclosure on EPS reveal that ENVC has a positive effect on EPS which though is not significant (p=0.4135) at 1% and 5%. The results reveal that ENVC has a positive effect on PAT which is significant (p=0.0495) at 5%. The study makes the following recommendations; Firstly, the study recommends that companies must fully disclose their environmental cost and liabilities in their annual report and attach monetary quantification of these cost, liabilities and risks. 
9ELEDE LORETTAFUO/16/ACT/3380COST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND FIRM’S PERFORMANCE OF A MANUFACTURING ORGANIZATIONMR. EGBADJU UVIE LAWRENCE This study examined the effect of cost management practices on firm’s performance of 22 manufacturing organizations listed in the Nigeria stock exchange (NSE), the study covered a period of eleven years (2009 – 2019). Using secondary method of data collection. The data were extracted from the published annual reports of the selected manufacturing companies in Nigeria from 2009–2019. Eight research questions and hypotheses were designed to guide this study. The results of  Panel Estimated Generalized Least Squares (EGLS) shows that there is a significant positive relationship between cost of sales and ROA and a significant negative relationship between cost of sales and ROE, the results also shows that there is a significant negative relationship between SDC and ROA and a significant negative relationship between SDC and ROE, furthermore, the results indicated that a significant negative relationship between FNC and ROA and  a significant positive relationship between FNC and ROE, again, the results revealed that  a significant negative  exist  between ADC and ROA and a significant positive relationship between ADC and ROE. Thus, the study recommended that Manufacturing companies should ensure they incur the minimum cost on administrative cost and cost of sales for a better financial performance and they should maintain a minimum cost on selling and distribution expense as well as finance cost since there is an inverse relationship between selling and distribution cost, finance cost and financial performance. 

The International financial reporting standard (IFRS) was adopted for being a higher quality standard than SAS which was previously used. This study examines the impact of IFRS adoption on the value relevance of accounting information. Hence, the objective of the study was to empirically test using price regression model based on a re-modified Ohlson’s (1998) model Market share price (MSP); the dependent variable with accounting information was proxy by Book value per share (BVS), Earnings per share (EPS), Cash flow from operations (CFO), IFRS served as independent variables in both pre and post IFRS adoption eras. Data was collected from a sample of 10 listed consumer good firms for the period 2007–2016. Ordinary least square regression model was used in estimating the weight of the coefficient of models of the study. The overall result shows that the adoption of IFRS has decreased the value relevance of accounting information in the listed insurance firms, however, the individual independent variables EPS, BVS &CFO showed an increase after the adoption of IFRS and positive relationship with market per share. This study recommends that investors should rely more on EPS as a measure of accounting information as it has the greatest contributory value than other variables used in the study.




11.WONGO, PRINCE CHUKWUKAFUO/16/ACT/3491CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND PROFITABILITY OF QUOTED AGRICULTURAL FIRMS IN NIGERIAMr. Robert Baratuaipre JacobThis study examines the relationship between corporate governance and profitability of quoted agricultural firms in Nigeria for the period 2010-2019. It investigate corporate governance variables and analyses whether they impact on firm profitability as measured by return on asset (ROA) and gross profit ratio (GPR). Based on the review of existing literature, two corporate governance variables were selected namely: Board Size (BS) and Audit Committee Members (ACM) which served as the independent variables. The Panel Generalized Least Square (GLS) model was use to estimate the relationship between corporate governance and firm profitability. The findings of the study reveal that (BS) and (ACM) have a positive and significant relationship on profitability (ROE). Also, it was find that (BS) have an insignificant negative relationship with (GPR) and (ACM) have a significant positive relationship with (GPR). Despite the mixed results, it was conclude that the empirical results support the contention that corporate governance has a linear relationship with profitability of firms. The study recommends among other things, that Nigerian agricultural firms should embrace effective corporate governance practice as a panacea to firm growth and survival. 
12.MARCUS RAPHEAL BARANAYEFUO/16/ACT/3427AUDIT COMMITTEE INFLUENCE ON TIMELINESS OF AUDITOR’S REPORTSDR. ASIEN ETUMUDON NDIDIThe study focuses on audit committee influence on timeliness of auditors reports within the context of 30 manufacturing firms listed in the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE), the study covered a period of three years (2016 – 2018). Ex-post facto research design was adopted in this study in other to measure the relationship of variables designed for the study to ascertain its objectives. The study used SPSS for analyzing and providing statistical evidence for decision making as relevant to the hypotheses stated. From the test of hypotheses, the H01 was accepted as indicated by the coefficient of -0.349 which is insignificant at all level of significant of a p-value of 0.209, also H02 was accepted by the coefficient of -0.157 which is insignificant at all level of significance of a p-value of 0.174, also H03 was accepted by the coefficient of 0.015 which is insignificant at all level of significance of a p-value of  0.893, and lastly H04 was also accepted by a coefficient of 0.151 which is insignificant at all level of significant of a p-value of 0.591. The study hereby concludes that audit committee characteristics have no significant impact on auditor’s report of quoted manufacturing firms in Nigeria. 
13.TOBIN TOBOULYEFAFUO/16/ACT/3482TAX ADMINISTRATIVE QUALITY AND TAX COMPLIANCE IN BAYELSA STATEDR. GOSPEL J. CHUKWUThis study examined the relationship between tax administrative quality and tax compliance in Bayelsa State, to determine if the quality of administration offered by the tax authority also affects tax compliance and to suggest possible measures to improve the quality of administration provided to tax payers by the tax authority. The objectives of the study includes; to determine the relationship between tax penalty and tax compliance in Bayelsa State, to determine the relationship between tax audit and tax compliance in Bayelsa State, to determine the relationship between tax knowledge and the level of tax compliance in Bayelsa State. The study used survey research design. Data used in this study was gathered through the instrument of structured questionnaire. Three hypotheses were postulated for this study and tested with Pearson’s correlation of coefficient. The result of the test revealed that there is a significant relationship between tax audit and tax compliance, the second hypothesis showed that tax penalty has no significant impact on tax compliance, while the last hypothesis showed that there is a significant relationship between tax knowledge and tax compliance. Following the findings, the following recommendations were made, tax authorities should create and efficient tax administration to strengthen itself by educating and training its employees, computerizing its operations and by devoting additional resources. Functions such as tax assessment, collection awareness, creation, providing information, and enforcement should be performed effectively and efficiently by tax authorities. Tax administrators should be educated early in their career about tax responsibilities, and tax payers should be educated continually on how to pay tax, what to pay, when to pay, and the benefit of the taxpayment. 
14SUFADOH JOSEPH OYINBRAKEMIFUO/16/ACT/3478TAX INCENTIVE AS A CATALYST FOR PERFORMANCE OF BEVERAGE COMPANIES: A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU STATEDr. John Chika OnwuchekwaThis study was carried out to impact of tax incentive as a catalyst for performance of beverage companies using selected beverage companies in Enugu State as case study.  The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 43 responses were validated from the survey. Data collected was analyzed using four Likert scale of (SA), (A), (SD) and (D). The formulated hypotheses were tested using the Regression (Dubin Watson) statistical tool SPSS v.23. the findings of the study revealed that Pioneer Companies Tax Incentives, Investment Tax Relief, Replacement of Obsolete Plant, Investment Allowance, Rural Investment Allowance, Tax Free Interest, Deductible Capital Allowance, Tax Free Dividend and Small Business Rate are the kinds of tax incentives available for manufacturing companies in Nigeria; Tax incentives encourage the establishment and development of beverage manufacturing companies and also tax incentives have had an impact on the investment patterns of beverage companies. From the responses obtained and analyzed, it was accepted that tax incentives has a positive impact on the profitability, productivity and growth of beverage companies. The study recommend that there is need for reducing the variability in the amount of tax incentives among the beverage companies so as to ensure the survival of a greater number of companies; the government needed to expand some of the tax incentives particularly capital allowances, excise tax incentives and custom duty incentives whose effect was yet to be fully felt within these companies compared to corporate income tax incentives; there should be a greater diversification in the incentives granted and also greater sustainability. And Policy makers should adopt strategic incentive plans or targeted incentive scheme that targets specific industry or a strategic tax incentive that add value or contribute positively to the economy through expansion of various sectors and are in line with the country’s vision 2030. The design, implementation and administration of these strategic incentive plans will help avoid revenue loss. 
15NWEWOR JUSTINAFUO/16/ACT/3437CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ATTRIBUTES AND PERFORMANCE OF MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN NIGERIADR. JOHN CHIKA ONWUCHEKWAThis study examines the impact of corporate governance on manufacturing firm’s performance in Nigeria. Cross-sectional data from twenty (20) firms audited annual reports from the period 2015 to 2019 were analyzed, as corporate governance was proxied using board size (BDS), board diversity (BDD) and Audit Committee Independence (ACI) while return on assets (ROA) was used to proxy firm’s performance. The Panel Least Square technique was employed to model the behaviour of the variables, as the Im, Pesaran & Shin Test and Levin, Lin & Chu Test tests revealed that all variables were stationary at levels. Our findings indicated that board size and board diversity significantly affect firm’s performance negatively, while Audit Committee Independence (ACI) has a positive and significant effect on performance. We therefore recommend amongst others that the selection and nomination of candidates for the board of directors be carried out through a careful and transparent process approved by the board of directors. when assessing its composition and nominating new candidates, the board of directors should in addition to the need for competencies and qualifications take into consideration the need for integration of new talent and diversity..

The study investigated the impact of liquidity management on the efficiency of manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Four research questions guided the study and were examined. Similarly, four hypotheses were formulated and tested at .05 probability level. Expo factor research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consist of thirty

(30) manufacturing companies listed in the breweries and conglomerate sector of  the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The sample size of the study consist of 14 companies were drawn from the total population of the study. However, the researcher adopted judgmental sampling technique which is use in the selection of the 8 companies base on the availability of data from the companies under consideration. The study used secondary data extracted from the selected annual report of the companies for the period of 2005 to the period of 2019. (i.e. 14 years interval). The results of the study reviewed that there is a significant difference between the impact of liquidity decision practices and cash management practices on profitability of manufacturing companies in Nigeria, there is a significant difference between the impact of liquidity risk practices and liquidity decision practices on profitability of manufacturing companies in Nigeria; and there is a significant difference between the impact of liquidity monitoring practices and cash management practices on financial performance of manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study recommended among other things that Manufacturing companies should maintain adequate liquid assets and engage the services of factoring agents to eliminate or reduce incidence of bad debt losses and other associated costs of credit.

17.MBAH CHIDINMA ROSEFUO/16/ACT/3428TAX REVENUE AND GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE IN NIGERIAPROF. CLETUS O. AKENBORThis study is designed to empirically examine the effect of tax revenue and government expenditure in Nigeria covering a 39 years period (1981-2019). In line with the objectives of this study, secondary data were obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. The study adopted Ex-post facto research design. Public finance analyses model (GOVEX=f(CED,CIT,PPT) was formulated and tested with the use of descriptive and inferential.  This study used Autoregressive Distribution Lag Model (ARDL), with the help of E-views version 10 for analyzing and providing statistical substantiation for decision making as relevant to the hypotheses stated. Findings revealed that Custom and Excise Duties(CED) has a positive coefficient of 0.285675 and a p-value of 0.0676 which is significant at 10% statistical level; Company Income Tax (CIT) in turn has a positive coefficient of 0.755023 which is significant with a p-value of 0.0019, while Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT)) has a positive coefficient of 0.174800  which is significant with a p-value of 0.0354 at 5% level of significance. The descriptive analyses results revealed that the average value of GOV.EXP, CED, CIT and PPT are ₦2.02 billion, ₦ 183655.6 billion, ₦3.32billion and ₦1.14billion respectively while the maximum values of GOV.EXP, ORT, CED, CIT and PPT are ₦8.92 billion, ₦705,500 billion, ₦1.60billion and ₦4.26 billion respectively. The skewness indicates a positive skewness, that is above zero. Kurtosis test revealed that CED and PPT variables are platykurtic, that is less than 3, while GOV-EXP and CIT is leptokurtic, that is more than 3. The JaqueBera statistics of all the variables show that all the variables of interest are not normally distributed because the probability values are less than 5%. This study hereby recommends that There is need for Nigeria Custom  Services to carry out additional checks after it clears the goods so as to recover duties and taxes that may have been evaded at the time of declaration and also prosecuting serious offences. Also the Federal Inland Revenue Service(FIRS) should liaise with the Corporate  Affairs Commission to ensure that all registered companies in Nigeria are brought under the tax net. And that accountability of these revenues should be ensured and that these revenues is used to create growth , employment opportunities and wealth, as these would restore public confidence of the tax payers and motivate them to pay more, and also the tax administrators should devise and impose severe sanctions on tax offenders to as to deter the fraudulent act of tax evasion. This study thereby concludes that tax revenue have a significant effect on total government expenditure in Nigeria.   

The objective of the study is to examine forensic accounting and fraud in the oil and gas sector in Nigeria. The specific objectives were to (i) determine if the challenges facing forensic audit in Nigeria and proffer solutions. (ii) To examine the effect of forensic audit as a tool for effective litigation in Nigeria (iii) to establish how evidences  are gathered for litigation process in a forensic audit and (iv) To examine if fraud is still on the increase despite the presence and efforts of the forensic auditors in Nigeria. The study employed a sample of 30 respondents consisting of accountants, internal control and audit staff of oil and gas companies in Bayelsa State. The simple random sampling technique was employed in the selection. The descriptive and chi-square techniques were used to analyze the primary data retrieved using questionnaires. The findings of this study reveal that (i). There are challenges facing forensic audit in Nigeria, (ii). Forensic audit has effect on litigation, (iii) Evidence are gathered for litigation in forensic practice and (iv). There is no link between the rate of fraud and the presence of forensic auditors. 

In the light of the findings of the study, the following recommendations are suggested; Firstly, the result of the study revealed that there are significant challenges to the practice of forensic accounting in Nigeria. Hence the study recommends that there is the need for deliberate attention to be given to the development of forensic accounting capacity for accountants and auditors in the public sector.  Also, the judiciary must be open and receptive to evidence gathered using forensic accounting approaches. Secondly, the findings of the study reveal that Forensic audit has effect on litigation. Hence the study recommends that forensic evidence should not just be kept just as reports but the evidence should be tendered in the court of law by accountants to aid litigation.

19.APOLLO AYIBAKIPREYE CHRISTAINFUO/16/ACT/3360INTERNAL AUDIT AND FRAUD DETECTION IN SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE BUSINESS IN BAYELSA STATEDR. PETER KEKUNG BESSONGThis study, internal audit as an effective tool for fraud control in SMEs in Bayelsa State. The effectiveness of the internal audit was carefully examined and the aim of the study is to ascertain the contribution of internal audit in fraud control I Bayelsa State. The objective of the study is to examine the effect of internal audit on fraud detection in SMEs in Bayelsa State and to identify the effect of internal control system on fraud detection in SMEs in Bayelsa State. While the hypotheses of the study are; internal has no significant effect on fraud detection in SMEs in Bayelsa State and Internal control system has no significant effect on fraud detection in SMEs in Bayelsa State. The survey research design was adopted and a sample size of one hundred and one (101) were used out of the population of one hundred and thirty-five (135) SMEs in the Bayelsa state. In determining the number of questionnaires administered to the respondents, eighty-eight (88) were returned while thirteen (13) were not returned. The method of data analysis which were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistical techniques using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software package. The discussion of findings indicate that internal audit has a positive effect on fraud detection among SMEs in Bayelsa State, while internal control system has a positive effect on fraud detection. This means that improvement in internal control system result in improved fraud detection among SMEs in Bayelsa state. .
20.IGWEBUIKE BLESSING CHIAMAKAFUO/16/ACT/ 3407HUMAN RESOURCE COST AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF LISTED SERVICE FIRMS IN NIGERIAMR. EBADJU LAWRENCE U.This study focuses on Human Resource Cost and Financial Performance of Listed Firms in Nigeria within the context of 15 service firms listed in Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE). The study covered a period of fifteen years (2005- 2019). Ex-post facto research design was adopted in this study in other to measure the relationship of variables designed for the study to ascertain its objectivities. The study used SPSS for analyzing and providing statistical evidence for decision making as relevant to the hypothesis stated. From the test of hypothesis, The results of our study showed that there is an insignificant negative relationship between SW and ROA of service companies in Nigeria, Also, the results of our study showed that there is a significant negative relationship between TC and ROA of service firms in Nigeria, the findings of this study also shows that there is a significant negative relationship between WC and ROA of service firms in Nigeria. the study concludes that there is a significant relationship between human resource cost and the financial performance of service firms in Nigeria. Service firms in Nigeria should imbibe the culture of capitalizing and reporting investment on human resource that can improve financial performance. 
21.NIGERIA, JOY EDESIREFUO/16/ACT/3431GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIADR. IFEANYI MADUMEREThis study assesses the effect of government expenditures on economic growth in Nigeria based on secondary data from 1993 to 2019. Ex-post factor research design was employed. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested using Autoregressive Distribution Lag (ARDL) Model. The result showed that government education expenditure has a positive significant effect on gross domestic product in Nigeria. The result further shows that government health expenditure has a positive significant effect on gross domestic product in Nigeria. The result also shows that government agriculture expenditure has a positive but insignificant effect on gross domestic product in Nigeria. The study concluded that increase in government expenditure in the health and education sectors has translated into growth. The study further recommended that government should improve and encourage agricultural outputs and improve its expenditure. .
22.UKWUOMA  ANTHONIA CHIBUZORFUO/16/ACT/3487ACCOUNTING NUMBERS AND MARKET VALUE OF DEPOSITE MONEY BANKs (DMBs) IN NIGERIAPROF. CLETUS O. AKENBORThis study investigated the existing relationship between Accounting Numbers and Market Value of Debosit money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of book value per share on share price of DMBs in Nigerian and the effect of earnings per share on share price of DMBs in Nigeria. Data were source from Financial Statement and Anual Report of selected Banks that where available for the period. The data were analyzed using simple linear regression. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between acounting number and market value of DMBs in Nigeria. The study adopted conservatism theory and conservatism accounting thoery. The study therefore recommends that regulators should make standards that improves relevance of book value and  earnings in the DMBs in Nigeria. Every financial institution ought to be interested in facilitating share price and book value. Hence, any system that does not have this view is bound to crumble. For business to function effectively finance is required and this should be made available through the instrumentality of the banks. 
23.IROBEKHIAN GODWIN OSASFUO/16/ACT/3412FINANCIAL TRANSACTION TAX AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIADR. IFEANYI MADUMEREThis study examined the effect of Financial Transaction Tax on Economic Development in Nigeria. The independent variable for the study are value added tax, stamp duty and capital gain tax while Human Development Index serves as the dependent variable. Also tax policy was used as a control variable. Ex-post facto research design was adopted with data obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin, Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) tax reports, and United Nation Development Programme Report (UNDP) from 1994-2019. The hypotheses were tested using Autoregressive distribution Lag Model (ARDL). The result from the regression estimate shows that value added tax has a positive significant effect on Human development index (HDI) while stamp duties has a positive insignificant effect of Human development index. The result further shows that capital gain tax has a positive but insignificant effect on human development index. Also, the control variable tax policy has a positive but insignificant effect on human development index.  The study recommended among others that Government should increase VAT revenue by removing all administrative loopholes, to ensure that all the companies in Nigeria are registered to make VAT collection easy, and sanction any company that do not remit VAT revenue adequately. 
24.ODO PETER ODOFUO/16/ACT/3439MERGER AND ACQUISITION AND BANK PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIA. THE ACCOUNTING PERSPECTIVEPROF. CLETUS .O. AKENBORThe study is necessitated by the assumption that mergers and acquisitions in the Nigerian banking industry will help to re-position banks for improved performance. The essence of this paper is to ascertain, if there has been any significant difference in the performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria prior to and after the merger sessions. The study made use of Secondary data covering the period 1996 to 2015. A descriptive statistics involving the use of difference in two means was carried out on a time series data. The study found that, mergers and acquisitions  impacted significantly on the performance of deposit money banks with Profit before Tax (PBT) and total assets as proxies for bank performance, but that could not be said of Returns on equity, where there was no significant difference between the pre merger and post mergers  periods. The results obtained herein attest to the fact that mergers and acquisitions are not the sole panacea to improved bank performance but that issue bothering on corporate governance, sound management, and strong brands have a role to play in the overall success of any banking establishment. The study therefore, recommends that good corporate governance should be entrenched to help build a truly strong, virile and profitable bank that can stand the test of time. Banks should concentrate on creating and maintaining strong brands, as that can be their most single valuable asset. Again, quality risk assets should be created and carefully manage. 
25.EMECHEBE CHIOMA JOYCEFUO/16/ACT/3381ACCOUNTING INFORMATION AND CORPORATE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE IN LISTED SELECTED FIRMS IN NIGERIADR. JOHN CHIKA ONWUCHEKWAThis study seeks to evaluate the use of accounting information in impacting corporate performance. The accounting information examined in this study are Leverage Accounting ratio, Liquidity ratios and dividend ratio. The scope of the study covers 25 listed non-financial firms covering the period from 2010-2019. Secondary data was used in the study and the multiple regression analysis was used as the data analysis method. The findings of the study reveals for cases of low leverage levels, the relationship with financial performance though positive is not significant but these then changes with moderate leverage levels where the effect on financial performance is positive and significant. This suggests that moderate leverage levels are healthy and it significantly improves performance. Hence firms can move from low leverage levels to moderate leverage levels and will still be within a safe region with gains in profitability. However, it is observed that as firms in the sample become more highly levered the effect of profitability takes a different turn as the effect becomes negative and also significant. In addition, the results suggest that for low liquidity cases, the effect on profitability is insignificant and hence it appears that when banks maintain low liquidity levels, the effect on profitability appears weakened but for moderate and high liquidity levels, the result shows that the effect on profitability is positive and significant with the high liquidity levels exhibiting the strongest positive influence on profitability. Finally, the study reveals that that dividends ratio whether low, moderate or high has a positive and significant effect on financial performance. Irrespective of the level of dividend ratios, it appeared that as long as companies tend to pay dividends on the average that may be sufficient to positively drive profitability. 
26.TEIBOWEI TEVIN EBISUOBOFUO/16/ACT/3480SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING, BOARD ATTRIBUTES AND TRIPLE BOTTOMLINE PERFORMANCEDR ETUMUDON ASIENThe study examined Board Attributes, Sustainability Reporting and Triple Bottom Line Performance in Nigerian Companies. The studied was carried out amongst 33 quoted companies in the Nigerian stock exchange, covering a period of 3 years (2016-2017). The hypothesis tendered towards ascertaining if, firstly; Board of director’s experience on sustainability practises influences sustainability reports presentation and disclosures. Secondly; if Profit after tax influences sustainability reporting presentation. The research work made use of Pearson Correlation and Logistic Regression to statistically analyse the total data gathered. The results showed firstly; that there was a negative relationship between sustainability reporting and board attributes. Secondly; that there was a positive relationship between sustainability and Profit after tax, and amongst the Triple bottom line measures, only Economic and Environmental dimensions were significant with relation to sustainability reporting, social dimension had a negative significance. The research work recommended that board of directors with sound sustainability experience should be appointed and they should play a more active role in sustainability policy implementations and presentations and that the Nigerian government should implement a fine system for companies that don’t present sustainability reports. 




The aim of the study is to determine the importance of capital budgeting in the micro enterprises. It reviews capital budgeting as an essential tool in the management of investment in the informal sector. The study covers three research objectives and three research questions; it employed the use of questionnaire, applied research design, and purposive sampling to obtain primary data. The questionnaires were administered to (120) micro enterprises of which (99) were analyzed. The test of hypotheses reviews that micro enterprises do not use capital budgeting techniques. The research data were analyzed using tables, frequency, percentage distribution and Pearson’s chi-square test. The result of the findings shows that males are dominant in micro businesses than females and respondents are aware of capital budgeting, they do keep records of their financial transactions and the financial record(s) of the business are kept mainly by the business owner(s). result indicates that capital budgeting is relevant to micro enterprises, it also indicates that ownership is not separated from management as these enterprises are operated and managed by the business owner(s). In conclusion, capital budgeting is important because it creates accountability and measurability.




28.ILONGWO CHIAZOKAM VIVIANFUO/16/ACT/3411IMPACT OF TAX REVENUE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIAMR ROBERT BARATUAIPRE JACOBSThe contribution of taxation to any economy globally is very important and therefore cannot be ignored. It is a source of revenue or income to the government be it the Federal, State or Local government in achieving their macro-economic objectives in the areas of fiscal and monetary policies. For Nigerian government to effectively carry out its primary function and other subsidiary functions, she requires adequate funding. Government responsibilities has continued to increase over time especially in developing countries like Nigeria due to the increasing nature and size of her population, and infrastructural deterioration. This study is therefore poised to empirically examine the tax revenue and economic growth in Nigeria from 2000-2019 by employing Gross domestic product (GDP) as the dependent variable while Value added tax (VAT) and Company Income Tax (CIT), are the independent variables. The ex-post factor is used as research design while the population and sampling techniques of the study is the value of Company income tax and value added tax for a period of twenty (20) years and the Nigerian economy respectively. Secondary source is used as data collection from the annual reports of the CBN statistical bulletin and Federal inland revenue service. The study will use econometric method of analysis and the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) tests as a tool for data analysis. This study seeks to enlighten individuals on what vital roles taxation plays in the economy and also the government should ensure that tax revenue is used judiciously to provide social amenities for the people. This will help various sectors of the economy to grow and function well so that the growth and development of the country will be enhanced. 
29.OYIBO NANIE SPINSTERFUO/16/ACT/3469THE EFFECT OF AUDITING ON BANK FRAUDDR. GOSPEL J. CHUKWUThis study examined the effect of auditing on bank fraud. The objective of the study is to examine and analyze the influence of internal audit and external audit on fraud detection, fraud prevention and fraud reduction in Nigerian banks. This study obtained data from primary source with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire. The population of the study covers eleven (11) deposit money banks in Yenagoa, Bayelsa state in which forty staff where randomly selected from the banks. The study employed Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Model to analyze the hypotheses. The result from the analysis shows that internal audit has a positive but insignificant effect on fraud prevention while external audit has positive and significant effect on fraud prevention, the result also shows that both internal audit and external audit as positive significant effect on fraud reduction in Nigeria banks. The study also shows that both internal auditing and external auditing has positive but insignificant effect on fraud detection in Nigeria banks. The study therefore concludes that auditing has no significant effect on fraud detection in Nigeria banks. The study recommends among others that a qualified internal auditor and external auditor has statistical effect on fraud prevention in Nigeria banks. Bank managers should always adopt the services of the Internal and external auditor in the bank so as to ensure no financial leakages and accountability in the bank. 
30.AIREN-OGIEVA OSAHENRUMWEN MARVELOUSFUO/16/ACT/3347CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND PERFORMANCE OF LISTED MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN NIGERIADR. INNOCENT NWAORGWUThis study seeks to investigate the effect of capital structure and performance of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study covered 4 breweries companies quoted in the Nigerian Stock Exchange Market from 2010 – 2019. The study adopted ex post facto design. The population covered all the four companies mentioned above. Judgmental sampling was used for the study as a result of the handy nature of the population. Data were obtained from secondary sources while ordinary least square regressions were used as the technique for data analysis with the aid of SPSS version 25.0. at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that capital structure serves as the main determinant of the performance of manufacturing firms in the Nigeria. Based on the above finding, the researchers therefore recommend that the managers of these companies should seek the services and advise of financial experts on the right choice of financial mix which would enable them to meet the needs of the various stakeholders in and outside their companies as to ensure their continued survival in the face of the current economic recession in Nigeria. 
31.EZENWA EBELECHUKWU FAVOURFUO/16/ACT/3394EFFICIENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC SECTOR REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE IN NIGERIAPROF.S.M IFURUEZEThis study examines the efficiency and accountability of public sector revenue and expenditure in Nigeria (1985-2019). Data on total federal government revenue and expenditure, state governments’ revenue and expenditure were collected from Statistical bulletin from the Central Bank of Nigeria from 1985-2019. The results were analysed using relevant statistical tools. The findings reveals that the level of accountability is very poor in Nigeria because the attributes of accessibility, comprehensiveness, relevance, quality, reliability and timely disclosure of financial information, social and political information about government activities are completely non available or partially available for the citizens to assess the performance of public officers mostly the political office holders. Conclusively and evidently the study has revealed that there is significant relationship between efficiency of public sector expenditure, recurrent expenditure and capital expenditure in Nigeria from 1985-2019. On the basis of these, the paper recommends among others that for accountability to be successful in the management of public funds in Nigeria there must be a reduction in the level of corruption, improving public sector accounting and auditing standards, legislators as champions of accountability and restructure the public accounts committees and the value of money must be applied in the conduct of government business. 

The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of inventory management and operating cash flow on the profitability of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria using secondary method of data collection. A case study of Listed firms in the conglomerate and industrial goods sector of the Nigerian stock exchange. The study adopted Export-factor. The data were extracted from the published audited annual reports of 20 selected manufacturing companies in Nigeria from 2005–2019. The research models used in this study comprises of ICP, CFO, and OE as a proxy of Management Efficiency as independent variables. While ROA is used as dependent variable proxy for measurement of profitability. Hypothesis were formulated in line with the research objectives and tested using the aid of SPSS. The study concludes that there is a significant relationship between inventory management and operating cash flow and the profitability of listed conglomerate and industrial goods firms in Nigeria. Based on the findings in this study, it is recommended that Conglomerate and industrial goods firms in Nigeria should improve on the overall state of their liquidity by establishing more realistic credit policy which would engender shorter cash conversion period (CCP), hence have a favorable impact on the profitability of the company. All conglomerate and industrial goods companies in Nigeria should adopt effective and efficient inventory management and control system and deploy appropriate modern technology for its inventory control practices.


33.GODSAVE BLESSINGFUO/16/ACT/3402FIRM’S CHARACTERISTICS AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT COMPANIES IN NIGERIAMR ROBERT JACOB B.This study investigated the existing relationship between firm’s characteristics and financial performance of healthcare manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The objectives of the study determines the effect of firm size and firm age on asset and return on equity of listed healthcare manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Theoretically, the study adopted stewardship theory and ex-post facto research design was adopted. Data were sourced from annual report and statement of account of all the ten (10) listed healthcare manufacturing companies in Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE). The data were analysed using multiple linear regression with the help pf Eviews 10. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between dependent variables ROA and ROE on firm size and firm age. The study recommends that healthcare companies should reduce their current ration and ensure that neither insufficient nor unnecessary funds are invested in current assets and capital structure should be majorly funded by equity rather than debt. 
34.NWACHUKWU L. CONSTANCEFUO/I6/ACT/3434INDIRECT TAX AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIAPROF. S. M. IFURUEZEThis study investigated the relationship between indirect tax on the economic growth in Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between custom and excise duty on economic growth of Nigeria. Data were source from Statistical Bulletin, Bureau of Statistics in the Ministry of Finance. The data were analyzed using multiple regression via EViews 7. The findings revealed that that there is a significant relationship between value added tax and economic growth in Nigeria. The study therefore recommend that Nigeria government should reduce or maintain a low VAT rate and encourage excise duties will increase GDP in Nigeria. Nigeria government should strive to reduce VAT rate in order to increase Gross Domestic Product in Nigerian economy. It is further recommended that Nigerian government should encourage activities that bring about custom and excise duty as it will increase Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. The study adopted Sigle-Tax System Theory and Ex-Post Factor Research Design was adopted. 
35.OYIBO BRIDGETFUO/16/ACT/3468CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF BANKS IN NIGERIADR PETER KEKUNG BESSONGThe study examined capital structure and financial performance of banks in Nigeria, with special focus on money deposit banks. The study covers a period of ten (10) year form 2009 to 2018 and 13 banks out of the 22 deposit money banks was selected for the study. The study was based on secondary data retrieved from the banks’ annual audited report specially, income statement and statement of financial position with the duration of ten (10) year between 2009 and 2018. Regression analysis has been carried out to test capital structure and financial performance of banks in Nigeria. Considering capital structure as independent variables as proxied of interest paid on debt, debt to equity ratio and tax liability. Financial performance as dependent variable proxied of return on asset and return on equity. The objectives of the study are to examine the effect of tax liability on financial performance of money deposit banks, to determine the impact of debt-to-equity ratio on the performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria, and to ascertain the relationship between interest paid on debt and return on equity of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The regression result shows that tax reliability is only independent variables that is significant in all models. It was observed that tax reliability has a positive and significant effect on Return on Asset and Return on Equity in Nigerian banks. An increase in tax liability will lead 2.92 units increase in Return on Asset and Return on Equity holding every other thing constant. 
36.OTUGBUALI, LOVINA NNAMAFUO/16/ACT/3466AUDIT CHARACTERITICS AND AUDIT QUALITY OF QUOTED CONSUMER GOODS FIRM IN NIGERIADR IFEANYI MADUMEREThis study examined the effect of audit characteristics on audit quality of quoted consumer goods firms in Nigeria from 2015 to 2019. The population of this study consist of twenty (20) consumer goods firm listed in the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Cross Sectional data extracted from twenty (20) firms audited annual reports for the period 2015 to 2019 were analysed, as audit characteristics was proxied using audit tenure, auditor size and auditor independence, while audit quality was proxied using audit fees. Secondary method of data collection was use. The Panel Least Square technique was used to analyse the behaviour of the variables. Our findings suggested that audit size and audit independence has a positive and significant effect on audit quality. We therefore recommend amongst that firms promote frequent auditor rotation to limit the chances of auditor-client over familiarity which might be an opportunity cost for auditor independence.  
37.OLOTU KATE T.FUO/16/ACT/3455INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AS A BASIS FOR FRAUD PREVENTION IN NIGERIA BANKSDR PETER KEKUNG BESSONGThe study focus on internal control system as a basis for fraud prevention in Nigeria banks. The methodology used in this study was purely based on primary data, which were obtained from distribution of one hundred and fifty (150) copies of questionnaire to selected respondents. This data were then aalysed using statistical tools such as Ordinary least square, which were also used for the interpretation of the hypotheses in this study. The result of the analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between fraud control and fraud prevention because their proxies considered in the study such as internal audit, internal control questionnaire and independence of the internal auditor with a P-value of 0.000,  which were lower than the 5%critical value specified in SPSS For this analysis. Based on this result, the study concludes and recommends among other things that management policies must be able to strengthen both fraud control and fraud prevention of commercial banks based on the sample study since the proxies of both variables have significant effect on each other.  
38.ABAYEH DEINYEFA ERICAFUO/16/ACT/3339INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS ADOPTION AND FINANCIAL REPORTING QUALITY IN NIGERIAN BANKS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSISPROF. CLETUS O. AKENBORThis study is on the effect of IFRS adoption on the financial reporting quality of banks in Nigeria from 2004 to 2019. The main objectives of this study is to examine the effect of IFRS on the financial reporting quality of banks in Nigeria, while the specific objective is to examine the releationship between earnins per share, dividend per share, book value per share and financial reporting quality of banks in Nigeria in IFRS regime. Data for this study were gotten from audited financial statement of the chosen banks in Nigeria. The multiple regression model is used to acertain the significant relationship interaction between audit tenure and financial statement. The ordinary least least square method of regression with used with aid of E-Views 8.0 software packages to analyse the data to assess the impact of the independent variables on the dependent variable, the result of the finding showed that there is no significant impact of the pre and post-IFRS earnings per share on the financial reporting quality measure as time loss recognition in Nigerian banks, also findings from this study revealed that the post IFRS dividend per share issued significantly affect the timely loss recognition of banks in Nigeria is not statistically significant. We recommend that developing nations e.g. Nigeria should adopt IFRS as their financial reporting standard as it is capable of increasing accounting quality, organizations should ensure the proper of dividend is kept and also provide all necessary resources needed to improve the dividend of shareholders since it ensures the quality of financial reporting and finally management, external auditors and regulators should work together to tighten compliance in the Nigerian banks in order to improve their profit and enhance financial reporting quality. 
39.ENAKHIMION OMOYEFUO/16/ACT/3384AUDITOR TENURE AND AUDIT QUALITY IN NIGERIA DEPOSIT MONEY BANKSDr. Ifeanyi MadumereThe objective of this study is to investigate Audit Tenure and Audit Quality in Deposit Money Banks”, using Audit Tenure, Firms Size, Firms Age as proxies for determine the effect on Audit Quality of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria, of which three research question were formulated and three hypothesis were tested. Twelve banks listed in the Nigeria Stock Exchange Market were used; the study therefore covers a period of 12 years (2008-2019). Secondary data was used and obtained from audited annual report of the deposit money banks. The data obtained were analyzed with Eview 10+ and the statistical tool employed was Panel Generalized Least Square (EGLS). On the basis of the analysis, the findings were that Audit Tenure and Firms Size has no significance influence on Audit Quality of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. While Firms Age has a significance influence on Audit Quality of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Based on findings, the following recommendations were made, that its important to recognize that a high level of audit quality requires effort from professional bodies to provide proper auditing standards, enhanced prudential closeness between audit firm and clients is recommended in order to provide reasonable assurance that audit activities comply with auditing standards. 

This study is an empirical analysis of the determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility

(CSR) of listed Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria for period of (2015-2020). The listed

specifically, the study seeks to identify the effect of Return on Asset (ROA), leverage, firm size, Economic Value Added (EVA) and institutional ownership on the CSR of listed DMBs in Nigeria. The study adopted Correlational and Expost facto Designs and data were analyzed with the aid of GLS multiple regression technique. Using 108 firm-year paneled observations, Fixed and Random effects were estimated. Data were extracted from the audited annual reports and accounts of the selected banks. The study reveals that ROA and leverage positively, strongly and significantly impact on CSR of listed DMBs in Nigeria at 1% level of significance, While, firm size and institutional ownership negatively and significantly impact on CSR of listed DMBs in Nigeria at 1% and 5% levels of significance, respectively. However, EVA is found to have negative but insignificant influence on the CSR investment of listed DMBs in Nigeria. The study concluded that the ROA, leverage, firm size and institutional ownership constitute the determinants of CSR of listed DMBs in Nigeria. Therefore, it is recommended amongst others that management of the selected listed DMBs in Nigeria should improve on their banks return on assets by extending into other activities that would generate more return as it has been proved to be an important factor that drives banks to invest in CSR.

41.OGBE ABRAHAMFUO/16/ACT/3441BOARD STRUCTURE AND VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE OF LISTED INDUSTRIAL GOODS COMPANIES IN NIGERIADR JOHN CHIKA ONWUCHEKWAThis study assessed the impact of board structure and voluntary disclosure of listed industrial goods companies in Nigeria, for the period of five (5) years 2014 to 2018. Twelve (12) companies out of the seventeen (17) listed industrial goods companies were selected based on the criteria that the company must be listed for the entire period of the study, and must have the required data for the study. The data for the study were collected from annual reports and accounts of the sampled companies and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, panel generalized least square. CEO duality and board size shows a significant positive relationship on the impact of voluntary disclosure of listed industrial goods in Nigeria. While board gender diversity has a negatively significant effect on voluntary disclosure of listed industrial goods companies in Nigeria. Thus, the study concludes that CEO duality and board size increases the level of voluntary disclosure in industrial goods companies. While board gender diversity reduces the level of voluntary disclosure in industrial goods companies. 
42.ONYEJI  PEACE CHINWENDUFUO/16/ACT/3459CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES AND CORPORATE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN NIGERIAPROF. S. M. IFURUEZEThe study focused on cash flow management and corporate financial performance of selected manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to examine the effect of operating cash flow on return on assets, to establish the effect of investing cash flow on return on assets, to determine the effect of operating cash flow on return on assets. The researcher used a descriptive design to describe cash flow management activities of selected manufacturing companies listed at the Nigeria stock exchange. The targeted population comprises of twenty (20) manufacturing companies in the NSE report for the period of 2009 to 2019. The study employed secondary data from published financial statement of the listed manufacturing firms for the period of the study. Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to establish the relationship between cash flow management activities and corporate financial performance of listed firms at the NSE. Hypothesis testing was performed using t-test and f-test. The test was used to test the statistical significance of the independent variable while ANOVA F statistics was used to confirm the goodness of it using level of significance in the regression model. Findings showed that the result of the study significantly support the theoretical and empirical evidence of prior studies that operating cash flow impact positively on the profitability of manufacturing firms. The study conclude that negative cash flow generated from investing and financing activities is associated with weak corporate governance and poor techniques capable of decreasing the manufacturing firm’s performance. The study recommend that manufacturing firms should be encouraged to set up result oriented cash flow system that would have a strong positive impact on firm’s performance thereby increasing profit after tax and subsequently return on assets. 
43.OGUAMA CHIWENDU MARYANNFUO/16/ACT/3446DETERMINANTS OF TAX COMPLIANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN BAYELSA STATEProf. Cletus O. AkenborThis study aimed at the determinants of tax compliance of small and medium enterprises in Bayelsa State. The specific objectives of the study includes; to determine the extent to which tax education affect tax compliance in Bayelsa State, to examine the relationship between tax rate and tax compliance in Bayelsa State, to determine extent to which the income of tax payers affect tax compliance in Bayelsa State. The study employed a survey research design. The population of the study covered 135 small and medium enterprises in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. A sample size of 101 respondents. The research instrument was a structured questionnaire and only 97 respondents returned the questionnaire and were analyzed.  Data used in this study was gathered through the instrument of structured questionnaire. Five hypotheses were postulated for this study and tested with spearman’s Rank Correlation and Descriptive statistics. The finding revealed that Tax education has a positive and insignificant relationship with tax compliance of SMEs, tax rate has a positive significant relationship with tax compliance of SMEs, income of a taxpayer has a positive significant influence on tax compliance of SMEs, taxpayer’s age has a significant effect on tax compliance of SMEs, Taxpayer’s Religiosity has a positive significant relationship with tax compliance of SMEs. The following recommendations were made; The authority of the tax governess should provide much more information about tax procedures. in order to increases tax compliance in the study area, tax revenue agencies should increase taxpayer education, conduct seminars on record-keeping related to income, expenditure and tax filling, also pay attention to the factors that influenced the willingness of citizen to pay tax and improve on them thereby making people to be willing to pay tax. 
44.EDEWOR, PRINCESS BLESSINGFUO/16/ACT/3375CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DISCLOSURE AND PROFITABILITY OF LISTED OIL AND GAS COMPANIES IN NIGERIAMr. Robert Baratuaipre JacobThe study investigated the relationship between cooperate social responsibility disclosure and profitability of listed oil and gas companies in Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to determine whether economic disclosure, social disclosure and environmental disclosure, have any effect on profitability of oil and gas companies using return on asset as a measure of profitability. Ex-post facto research design was adopted. The study made use of annual report of fourteen (14) sampled companies, covering between 2015 – 2019. The study used ordinary least square (OLS) to analyze data. The results of the study show that economic performance disclosure, environmental performance disclosure and social performance disclosure have no significant effect on return on asset of listed oil and gas companies. The study recommends that companies should pay more attention to addressing and disclosing on the environmental, social and economic performance in order to build stakeholder’s confidence. 
45.TEDJERE VICTORFUO/16/ACT/3479AUDITORS’ MORAL PHILOSOPHIES AND ETHICAL BELIEFS The study examines the relationship between Auditors’ moral philosophies (proxied by teleology, deontology and agriology) and their ethical beliefs (proxied by independence) in Bayelsa state. The population of study consist of 30 auditors from 5 audit firms in Bayelsa state. The entire population of the study was used for the study. Data used in this study was gathered through the instrument of structured questionnaire and the multinomial logistic regression was used for the data analysis. The results from the regression reveals that auditors’ teleology has a positive and significant relationship with their independence, auditors’ deontology has a positive and significant relationship with their independence and also auditors’ agriology has a positive and significant relationship with their independence. The study concludes that auditor’s moral philosophies can influence their ethical beliefs. Following the findings, it was recommended that in the bid to place emphasis on professional ethics in auditing as a strategy to restore and retain public trust in the auditing profession, the moral philosophies of auditors should be taken into cognizance in order to determine where focus should be placed on in the bid to improve auditors’ ethical judgement 
46.ORILE FAVOUR EWOMAZINOFUO/16/ACT/3462COMPETITORS FOCUSED ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF QUOTED MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN NIGERIADr. John Chika OnwuchekwaThis study investigates the relationship between competitors focused accounting and financial performance of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to determine whether Competitors position monitoring (CPM), Competitors cost assessment (CCA) and Competitors financial statements performance appraisal has any relationship with financial performance of sampled companies using return on assets as a measure of financial performance. The study uses Ex-post facto research design to collect necessary data. Generalized least square was employed to analyses data. The results show that Competitors Position Monitoring (CPM) and Competitors Financial Statements Performance Appraisal has significant relationship with financial performance using Return on Equity as a measure of performance. The study therefore recommends that manufacturing firms should maintain a good credit management system so as to optimize cashflow to ensure stability and provide maximum potential for growth.                                                                                                        
47.AHWARERE AKPEVWE EUNICEFUO/16/ACT/3345IFRS AND FINANCIAL REPORTING QUALITY IN DEPOSIT MONEY BANKSMR. ROBERT B. JACOBThis study examined the pre- and post-IFRS adoption effects on financial reporting quality (FRQ) of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria via correlation analysis, as well as regression analysis using a standard Random Effect (RE) model. Data was sourced from the audited annual reports of five deposit money Banks observed over the period 2003 to 2011 for the pre-adoption era, and 2012 to 2020 for the post adoption era, making 90 firm-year observations. Using discretionary accounting accruals as a proxy for Financial Reporting Quality, the regression results of the post IFRS adoption shows that Earnings per Share (EPS) has a positive and significant relationship with financial Reporting Quality of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Thus, the finding of the study indicates that IFRS adoption has a significant effect on earnings per share of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. The regression results of the post IFRS adoption period also shows that IFRS adoption has a significant effect on return on assets of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. The study recommends that deposit money banks should religiously follow IFRS standards that are peculiar to their mode of operation, and take close cognizance of earnings per share and return on assets as their relative impact on reporting quality cannot be undermined. 
48.AYEPEREBOH JOY POWEDEFUO/16/ACT/3363TAX EDUCATION AND TAX COMPLIANCE IN THE INFORMAL SECTOR OF BAYELSA STATE.PROF. CLETUS.O. AKENBORThis study examined the effect of tax education on tax compliance in the informal sector in Bayelsa state. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested with the aid of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient using the statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) version 25. It was revealed that electronic tax education has a positive and significant infuence on tax compliance in the informal sector in Bayelsa state. Print media tax education was discovered to have a negative and insignificant relationship with tax compliance among the informal sector in Bayelsa state. The study also found out that stakeholders’ sensitization programme has a positive and insignificant influence on tax compliance among the informal sector in Bayelsa state. It was therefore recommended that Tax authority should maximize the use of electronic media to educate tax payers in order to increase tax compliance. Tax authority should also improve on its use of newspapers and other print media in enlightening tax payers for more positive tax compliance level. Tax authority should create more awareness to tax payers particular among the informal sector through sensitization programmes to increase the level of tax compliance. The study also recommends that government should pay attention to tax education and other factors that may influence the willingness of citizens to pay tax and improve on them thereby making people to be willing to pay tax. Also, tax authority should improve on any medium they use to communicate to tax payers to increase their tax compliance level. 
49.JOHNSON AZIBANIGHAFUO/16/ACT/3419STOCK MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIAMr. Lawrence U. EgbadjuThis study investigate Stock market development and economic growth in Nigeria from 1985 to 2018, the study utilizes time series data source from central bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistic bulletin for the period studied. The economic growth was proxy by the real gross domestic product (RGDP). While market Capitalization(MCAP), turnover ratio (TOR),number of deals (NODS), All share index (ASI) and  financial deepening (FDP) proxy by stock market development, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) was used for the study to test the variables through the use of E-views 10 to determine the extent to which the independent variables influence the dependent variable, and the result revealed that there is a significant relationship between MCAP and economic growth, no significant relationship between TOR and economic growth, there is a significant relationship between NODS and economic growth, there is a significant relationship between ASI and economic growth, there is a significant relationship between FDP and economic growth. The study concluded there is a significant relationship between stock market development and economic growth in Nigeria, and recommended that government should support the stock market for greater funds mobilization and also strengthen financial institutional framework in order to enhance transactions in the stock market. 
50.IRUVWE OKEOGHENE JESSICAFUO/16/ACT/3413FIRM STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FINANCIAL REPORTING QUALITY OF QUOTED FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN NIGERIAMr. Robert Baratuaipre Jacob, ACAThis study aimed at investigating the relationship between firm structural characteristics and financial reporting quality of quoted financial institutions in Nigeria. It formulated the following specific objectives; to investigate the extent to which firm size, firm age and leverage affects the financial reporting quality of quoted financial institutions in Nigeria. The sample of this study consisted of 21 quoted insurance companies, of which data was gotten from their annual reports. The study proxies financial reporting quality using reliability and firm structural characteristics, using firm age, firm size and firm leverage. The multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the behavior of the variables. Our findings suggested that firm size had a positive and significant relationship with financial reporting quality, firm age had a positive and significant relationship with financial reporting quality and similarly firm leverage had a positive and significant relationship with financial reporting quality in quoted financial institutions in Nigeria. The study therefore recommended that the management of firms should endeavor to increase their assets as it depicts firm size, ensure that firm continue to be in existence and that great attention should be placed on leverage as it could make or break a firm 
51.ENEWARE, OYINKEPREYE STEPHENFUO/16/ACT/3385FIRM’S PROFITABILITY ON CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN NIGERIAMR. LAWRENCE EGBADJUThis study investigated the impact of firms’ profitability on corporate social responsibility of industrial goods firms in Nigeria using secondary method of data collection. The data were extracted from the published annual reports of the selected industrial goods firms in Nigeria from 2005–2019. Three research questions and hypotheses were designed to guide this study. The panel and quantile regressions were used in the estimation. From our evaluation of the results, the estimations reveal that return on asset (ROA) has a negatively significant impact on corporate social responsibility (CSR) at 5% (coefficient = -1020942., p=0.0000), return on asset (ROE) has a positively significant impact on corporate social responsibility (CSR) at 5% (coefficient = 445423.7, p=0.0000), profit margin (PM) has a negatively significant impact on corporate social responsibility (CSR) at 5% (coefficient = -10083.47, p=0.0000). The study therefore concludes that there is a significant relationship between Return on Assets (ROA) and corporate social responsibility of industrial goods firms in Nigeria. However, Return on Equity (ROE) was found to have a positive and significant effect on corporate social responsibility of industrial goods firms in Nigeria. Profit Margin (PM) was found to have a negative and significant effect on the corporate social responsibility of industrial goods firms in Nigeria. On the whole, the study concludes that there is a significant relationship between firms’ profitability and corporate social responsibility of industrial goods firms in Nigeria. The key recommendation is determining corporate social responsibility in proportion to their profitability. 

The study examined the relationship between tax revenue and economic growth in Nigeria. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design; secondary data for thirty years (1990 -2019) were collected from various issues of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and annual reports. Tax revenue as an independent variable was measured with Value Added Tax (VAT); Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT); Company Income Tax (CIT) while the dependent variable was Economic Growth (EG) proxied by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Analysis was performed on data collected using Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Regression and other post estimations (Jarque-Bera test; Breusch-Godfrey LM and Ramsey Reset Test) to determine the existence of relationship between the variables. The results of the study showed that CIT had a significant relationship with economic growth (p<0.05), while PPT has positive insignificant relationship with economic growth (P>0.05). However, VAT had no positive insignificant relationship with economic growth. The study concluded that the role of taxation in nation’s building is irreplaceable. Taxation remains a strong socio political and economic tool for economic prosperity. It is therefore recommended that government should engage in a complete re-organization of tax administrative machinery to reduce incidence of tax evasion and avoidance to the barest minimum in order to improve tax revenue and bring more people and establishments into the tax net. Also, tax revenue should be judiciously utilized to provide enabling environment for business survival and economic growth in Nigeria.


53.ADIMOHA, ADAOBI LOVETHFUO/16/ACT/3341BOARD CHARACTERISTICS AND CORPORATE REALIZATION: A STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN BANKING SECTOR.  DR. IFEANYI MADUMEREThis study aimed to examine the impact of board characteristics and corporate realization: a study of Nigerian banking sector. The study adopted a survey research design and the population and sample size were twelve (12) deposit money banks listed in the Nigeria Stock Exchange by using a convenience sampling techniques to select the sample size. The study covers five (5) years period data set (2015 – 2020). The data of the study were extracted from the annual reports of those selected financial institutions in Nigeria. Corporate realization is the dependent variable measured with profit after tax (PAT) while the independent variable is board characteristics measured with Board Size (BSIZE), Independent Directors (INDDIR), Firm Liquidity (FLIQ) and Firm Size (FSIZE). From the generalized least squares (GLS) regression coefficients, it shows that almost all the independent variables were negative except FLIQ. BSIZE and INDDIR has a negative coefficients of -0.0989 and -0.0980 which are significant at 1% level of significance (from the P-Value of 0.000 and 0.016) respectively. Based on this, the both null hypothesis were rejected. FLIQ has a positive coefficient of 0.5379 which is significant at 1% level of significance (from the P-value of 0.000). Based on this, the null hypothesis was rejected. Finally, FSIZE has a negative coefficient of -0.1176 which not significant at all level of significance (from the P-value of 0.307). Based on this, the null hypothesis is also rejected. From this findings, the study hereby concludes that board characteristics has a significant impact on corporate realization of financial institutions in Nigeria. The study therefore suggest that, other measures of board characteristics should be investigated with regards to their influence on the realization activities of financial institutions in Nigeria. 
54.IBEH, RUTH CHIZOBAFUO/16/ACT/3405ORGANIZED CRIME AND FRAUD MANAGEMENT IN NIGERIA PUBLIC SECTOR: THE ROLE OF FORENSIC ACCOUNTANTSDr. Ifeanyi MadumereThis study examined organized crime and fraud management in Nigerian public sector. The objectives of the study are to determine the relationship between pressure to commit fraud and fraud occurrence in Nigeria Public Sector. To examine the relationship between rationalization to commit fraud and fraud occurrence in Nigeria Public Sector. And also, to evaluate the relationship between the opportunity to commit fraud and fraud occurrence in Nigeria public sector. To achieve the stated objectives, data were collected from primary source from selection public sector in Bayelsa state with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire and was analyzed using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression Model through the help of SPSS version 23. Based on the analysis, the study found that a significant positive relationship exists pressure to commit fraud and fraud occurrence. Rational to commit fraud has a positive insignificant relationship with fraud occurrence. Opportunity to commit fraud has a positive significant relationship with fraud occurrence in the Nigeria public sector.  The study is of the opinion that one way of reducing fraud occurrence in the public sector is for statutory agency to pay more attention to early fraud by ensuring that additional security devices are incorporated, within the institutions premises and procedures of accounting and book keeping. The study concludes that the likelihood of fraud occurrence is positively related to increase in pressure, rationalization and the opportunity to commit fraud. The study recommended among others that sound internal control and governance framework should be designed and implemented in public sector entities in Nigeria in order to combat against employee fraud. 
55.EMIEWO, VICTOR OGHENEWEGBAFUO/16/ACT/3383FORENSIC ACCOUNTING ON PUBLIC SECTOR PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIADr Ifeanyi MadumereThe research is designed to examine fraud and the Nigerian public sector performance: The need for forensic accounting. The population of this study comprised of 190 staff of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Nigeria (EFCC, ICPC, and CCB) with the sample size of 129. The study methodology includes primary source of data collection; questionnaire was used in collecting primary data. The data generated for this study were analyzed using simple percentages and presented in tabular form while the hypotheses were tested using the degree of freedom with the value of the chi-square. Our findings show that, first, misappropriation of government funds has a significant effect on public sector performance, and second, that fraud cases have a negative effect in the Nigerian public sector performance. The research recommends that, first, it is obvious that public sector fraud affects economic growth in Nigeria and as such appropriate sanctions should be applied when fraud is discovered or detected. Second, Government should establish a Public Recovery Fund (PRF) where money recovered through forensic accounting should be kept and this money should be properly used to enhance efficient and effective performance in the public sector.